

Aldo Rebelo

Journalist who presided over the Chamber of Deputies, was rapporteur for the Forest Code and minister in the portfolios of Political Coordination and Institutional Relations; of Sport; Science, Technology and Innovation and Defense.


Aiala Couto

Professor at State University of Pará and member of the Brazilian Public Security Forum.

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Emmanuel Tourinho

Titular Professor at the Federal University of Pará, where he works as Rector. Doctor in Experimental Psychology from USP. Member of the National Council of Science and Technology. He was President of ANDIFES, President of the Advisory Committee of the Psychology Area at CNPq and Coordinator of the Psychology Area at CAPES.


Igor Wilson

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Ima Vieira

Agronomist, PhD in Ecology from the University of Stirling (UK). She studies the ecology of the Amazon rainforest. Titular researcher and former director of the Goeldi Museum. Counselor of the Brazilian Society for the Progress of Science (SBPC). Advisor at Studies and Projects Financier (FINEP).

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Joice Ferreira

PhD in Ecology, researcher at Embrapa Amazônia Oriental, co-founder of Sustainable Amazon Network, graduate professor at the Federal University of Pará and member of Scientific Panel for the Amazon

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José Maria Mendonça

Engenheiro, Presidente do Centro das Indústrias do Pará (CIP)


Marcelo Thomé

Architect and a civil construction entrepreneur, CEO of Instituto Amazônia+21, President of the Federation of Industries in the State of Rondônia.


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